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We are Soneva, creators of luxurious and sustainable resorts. We are a thriving community working hand in hand with the environment to craft beautiful, beyond bespoke experiences where discovery is a way of life.

“Soneva has been synonymous with wellness since its conception in 1995 . . . Such medical facilities may seem incongruous in a luxurious Maldivian resort, but with its island set up, the archipelagic nation could be the most perfect destination for a wellness journey. With the sublime natural beauty and weeks spent in a single resort, there’s time to truly rest, track progress and heal.”

Condé Nast Traveller

Guardians of places that have existed long before us, our unique vision is inspired by nature’s magnitude, mystery and enchanting beauty. With our expert hosts as your personal guide, we invite you to explore and delight in the possibility of each moment as time melts away and lose yourself in experiences that will stay with you for a lifetime.

About Us

Soneva Stars

Our Soneva Stars calendar of visiting experts ensures that no visit to Soneva is ever quite the same. Dine with world-renowned Michelin-starred chefs, train alongside sporting legends, meet best-selling authors, explore the galaxies with astronomers and astronauts, or relax and unwind with acclaimed wellness therapists.

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