

eFoil、eSurf 和 Seabob

Soneva Fushi

eFoil、eSurf 和 Seabob

Experience the ocean with complete freedom. Gliding, diving, skimming – all of this is possible with a SEABOB. Learn to move through the water like a fish, on the surface and beneath the waves. The SEABOB is environmentally friendly, moving powerfully and almost silently as you explore the marine world.

eFoils use an advanced battery to power a silent electric motor that is mounted on an all-carbon fibre hydrofoil, which can be controlled with a wireless Bluetooth hand controller. Riders, from beginners to those already skilled on a board, can fly for over an hour of fun at speeds of up to 40km per hour!

What happens if you fit a surfboard with a motor? You get an eSurf-board with a carbon fibre body that is hydrodynamic and stable. The board also houses the motor, and you control the handheld throttle. The eSurf lets you get up to speeds of 56km per hour, making this an exhilarating water sport.

  • 持续时间根据您的意愿


一群人在海中的一艘渔船上,其中三人坐在船边,一人站着。远处还有一艘载有两人的小船。天空阴沉沉的,海水显得很平静--这是真正的马尔代夫独有的体验,与 Soneva 的宁静产品有异曲同工之妙。


与Soneva Fushi的马尔代夫渔民 Rocket 及其家人一起踏上海洋探险之旅,在 "捕鱼是家庭事务 "体验中学习如何以可持续的方式捕鱼。Rocket 从Soneva Fushi 建造之初就开始为其供应鱼类,他知道厨师们需要什么,也知道在哪里可以找到鱼。垂钓结束后,客人可以在度假村内使用 Rocket 妻子的腌制秘方烹制当天的渔获。 从 17:30 开始。19:30 开始供应晚餐
夕阳西下,一艘豪华的白色帆船停泊在马尔代夫平静的海面上。太阳被淡淡的云层遮住了一部分,在天空中投射出橙色和粉色的光芒,倒映在水面上,成为 Soneva 豪华游艇度假的缩影。


Depart Soneva Fushi after breakfast and enjoy a leisurely sail to some of the incredible snorkelling and diving areas within the Baa Atoll, the only UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in the Maldives. Here, we may be lucky enough to spot turtles, dolphins and possibly manta rays (*season and weather dependent). After lunch, snorkel at leisure in the Coral Garden and enjoy a four-course dinner on-board Soneva in Aqua. Retreat for the evening to the indoor spa tub with the glass bottomed floor for a different view of the breath-taking marine life. Return in the morning to Soneva Fushi after a session of sunrise yoga on the top deck and a light breakfast.
一位身着黑色服装、戴着深色太阳镜的女士正在进行玻璃吹制,让人联想起在 Soneva 的马尔代夫独家体验中经常看到的一丝不苟的艺术创作。她使用喷灯在车间设备和熔炉中塑造一块发光的玻璃。

Soneva 艺术品和玻璃

在马尔代夫Soneva Fushi 的首个热玻璃工作室,我们用别人眼中的废物创造美丽。从为我们的别墅和餐厅定制的玻璃器皿到引人注目的艺术作品,所有精美的作品都是由Soneva Fushi 和附近其他度假村的废旧玻璃瓶回收而成。 您还可以在 So Glassycle 工作室购买来自 Lino Tagliapietra、Tobias Mohl 和 Martin Janecky 等著名艺术家的精选作品。
月光下,两个人躺在躺椅上,一边沉浸在 Soneva 独家体验中,一边观看投射到屏幕上的露天电影。黑白电影描述了一个浪漫的场景。一位身着白色制服的服务员为其中一位观众提供饮料。背景是树木和灌木丛。


在我们的露天电影院天堂影院(Cinema Paradiso),与家人一起抬起脚,躺在软垫躺椅上,欣赏您最喜爱的经典影片。海浪拍打着海岸,树木发出轻微的沙沙声,夜空闪闪发光,这一切都将为您的观影体验锦上添花。您还可以额外付费,在观影期间享用烧烤晚餐。


在 Fresh in the Garden 参观Soneva Fushi的生态中心和有机花园,深入了解我们以可持续发展为核心的理念。在采摘蔬菜和香草为您的午餐做准备之前,您将看到我们使用岛上种植的椰子作为食物和材料的多种方式,同时还能深入了解生态农业的原理。
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