

The original barefoot hideaway

Soneva Fushi is an unparalleled paradise of barefoot luxury, in a sustainable ecosystem of lush jungle, pristine beaches and crystalline waters.

Embrace nature’s majesty

Soneva Fushi is a natural treasure nestled in the Baa Atoll UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, and one of the largest islands in the Maldives. Our luxuriously private villas are either nestled in a verdant expanse of rich jungle or perched above sparkling waters. All feature vast living spaces and views towards the sunrise or sunset, and most enjoy their own pools, as well as being just steps from the beach or a waterslide away from the ocean. All Soneva Fushi villas come with our personalised Barefoot Guardian service.

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An aerial view of a lush, green island surrounded by turquoise and deep blue waters reveals Soneva Fushi Villas. The Maldives luxury resort features dense vegetation, sandy beaches, and a few scattered buildings, with wooden docks extending into the ocean. Clear skies are visible above.

Discover Our Best Offers

Browse our signature offers for every occasion, from family-friendly packages to romantic getaways. Book direct for our best price guarantee, plus complimentary services and experiences. Contact our Reservations Team to customise your dream Soneva holiday.

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Footprints lead away in the sandy beach toward a person in a flowing white dress, walking barefoot near the water's edge, leaving a serene, tranquil impression as gentle waves lap at the shore under a soft, pastel sky—an ambiance reminiscent of Soneva Exclusive Offers.

Soneva Fushi

Soneva Unlimited at Soneva Fushi

Indulge in every facet of Soneva Fushi, including unlimited dining and access to visiting Michelin-starred chefs, unlimited rare experiences, limitless treatments at Soneva Soul and so much more, for USD 1,250 per adult, per day.
Learn more about our Soneva Unlimited at Soneva Fushi
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在晴朗的天空下,一个人从弯曲的水滑梯上滑下,溅起一朵朵水花,落入一个明亮的蓝色水池中。滑道是马尔代夫独家度假屋建筑的一部分,背景是茅草屋顶和郁郁葱葱的绿色植物,让人联想到 Soneva 度假村的魅力。

Soneva Fushi

Soneva Fushi 家庭优惠

预订马尔代夫巴环礁的终极家庭度假之旅。12 岁以下儿童免费享受全套膳食,并可享受特色儿童友好体验。
了解更多有关 Soneva Fushi 家庭优惠的信息
一个人孤独地走在狭窄的沙洲上,两边都是清澈见底的碧绿海水,晴朗的蓝天上飘着几朵零星的白云。沙洲一直延伸到远方,营造出一幅宁静如画的热带风光,让人不禁联想到马尔代夫的豪华度假村(如 Soneva Fushi Villas)。

Soneva Fushi

Soneva Fushi Great Escape

在马尔代夫 Soneva Fushi 度假村享受更多免费住宿。预订四晚住宿,包括每日早餐或半膳,即可获赠一晚免费住宿。
进一步了解我们的 Soneva Fushi Great Escape
A chef with a beard and tattoos on his arm, embodying the Soneva career spirit, carefully pours dressing from a small jug onto a plate of salad. He is wearing a white chef's coat and is focused on his task, set against a backdrop of blurred greenery.


Surrounded by the lush greenery and a fragrant ambiance that fills the air, Shades of Green offers an unparalleled, luxurious dining experience. Nestled within the organic island gardens of Soneva Fushi, this plant-based restaurant takes guests on an immersive culinary journey that ignites all the senses, from the vibrant colors to the heady aromas.

Under the expert guidance of the acclaimed Danish chef Carsten Kyster, the rotating bistro menu features an exquisite fusion of the finest Maldivian and Southeast Asian flavors and fragrant spices, delivering a gastronomic feast that is truly indulgent.


Soneva Fushi Experiences

A serene beach scene at sunset, featuring a small wedding ceremony on the sandy shore. Guests are seated, and the aisle is lined with tiki torches leading to an altar near the water's edge. Dense greenery and palm trees form a backdrop in this Maldives Exclusive Experience courtesy of Soneva.

Soneva Academy

Meet our experts when it comes to nature, conservation and sustainability. The Soneva Academy invites teens (12 years and up) to learn more about all the natural wonders of the Maldives and the sustainability projects on and around our island. Each course consists of three modules of two hours each, which are followed by an exam and take young Sonevians from junior to expert.

Snorkel with Manta Rays​

Join us as we search for the enigmatic, graceful, inquisitive and charismatic manta rays in the waters of the Baa Atoll. If the conditions are right, we will go to Hanifaru Bay, located only 20 minutes by speedboat from Soneva Fushi, which has one of the world’s largest population of manta rays. When time and tide align, fortunate snorkellers get to observe and capture a rolling, whirling feast where it may be possible to see hundreds of these large, yet harmless, creatures congregate to gorge themselves in the plankton-rich waters. There are also several other locations close to Soneva Fushi where manta sightings are common, so the exact itinerary of the trip may vary to maximize the chance of seeing these magnificent creatures. If mantas cannot be seen on the trip, the Marine Biologists will lead an underwater discovery tour to showcase the stunning scenery of the marine life in the Baa Atoll. *Manta sightings are frequent but not guaranteed.


让您的荒岛体验更上一层楼,品尝 Sonu 的最爱--由私人厨师为您准备的荒岛午餐。在我们的内部浮潜向导的带领下,您可以浸泡在清澈湛蓝的泻湖中,而您的大厨则会在最浪漫的环境中为您准备美味佳肴。

Castaway 野餐

Let us whisk you away to one of our lush, uninhabited islands for a true castaway experience. Hop aboard our boat and sail to the island with your picnic basket and snorkel gear where you will be left to enjoy your day in the sun.


这次令人难以置信的体验将在日落时分开始,为您提供四道菜肴和葡萄酒搭配。我们的常驻天文学家将引导您欣赏夜空中的奇观,与您分享宇宙的秘密。 查看菜单


三天两夜的行程涵盖了巴阿环礁的精华,包括文化、休闲和海洋生物。观赏海豚,在沙岸上野餐,过一把逃难生活。在鱼类和珊瑚繁茂的珊瑚礁浮潜和潜水。参观戈德胡岛的花园和咖啡店,了解这三个岛屿的历史。 早餐后,我们将欢迎您登上 Soneva in Aqua 号游艇,启航前往荒岛进行珊瑚礁浮潜(途经海龟点和海豚瞭望台),随后参加 Castaway Picnic 野餐。下午,您可以在海滩上、客舱内或上层甲板上享受 Soneva in Aqua 水疗中心提供的水疗服务。夕阳西下时,您可以在宽敞的户外躺椅上放松身心,一边品尝气泡酒和小吃,一边欣赏巴阿环礁的美景。别忘了留意海豚!准备就绪后,我们将为您奉上四道美食。在晚上休息之前,您可以了解一下马尔代夫独特的天空,那里有南半球和北半球的星星和星座。 清晨,您可以在前甲板上做日出瑜伽,然后短途航行到您选择的岛屿或珊瑚礁。为了保持我们卓越的烹饪标准,我们的船上厨师只为您提供最新鲜的世界级食材,您甚至可以在 Castaway 岛上进行岸上烧烤。每天两节浮潜课,只需告诉船员您想看什么,他们就会带您到马尔代夫游客和当地人都不知道的隐秘珊瑚礁。对于获得开放水域证书的潜水员,可以与索莱尼潜水中心合作,根据能力讨论定制套餐和潜水地点。 巴阿环礁上有无数的岛屿、沙岸和珊瑚礁可供探索。对于喜欢冒险的游客来说,戈德胡岛(Goidhoo)是环礁最大的泻湖,岛上有三个岛屿,提供当地游览、宾馆、沙岸、无人居住的岛屿等。作为一个重要的历史遗迹和前监狱岛,游客可以在游览众多花园和咖啡店的同时沉浸在历史中。根据季节的不同,海豚、蝠鲼和领航鲸的踪迹也屡见不鲜。 清晨,在甲板上享受日出太极课程,然后享用早餐,最后返回 Soneva Fushi。
Person walking on a wooden boardwalk surrounded by lush green foliage. The boardwalk, curving slightly, is raised above the ground, and the person appears to be headed towards the distant end. Sunlight casts long shadows on the pathway, adding to this serene Soneva exclusive experience.

Wildlife Explorer

Specially designed for Young Sonevians and their families, this immersive experience lets them get up close to the wildlife that calls Kunfunadhoo island their home.  Learn about the  flora and fauna that inhabit the island their names in Dhivehi, stories about them and learn how to spot animal tracks.




让您的荒岛体验更上一层楼,品尝 Sonu 的最爱--由私人厨师为您准备的荒岛午餐。在我们的内部浮潜向导的带领下,您可以浸泡在清澈湛蓝的泻湖中,而您的大厨则会在最浪漫的环境中为您准备美味佳肴。
一位身着黑色服装、戴着深色太阳镜的女士正在进行玻璃吹制,让人联想起在 Soneva 的马尔代夫独家体验中经常看到的一丝不苟的艺术创作。她使用喷灯在车间设备和熔炉中塑造一块发光的玻璃。

Soneva 艺术品和玻璃

在马尔代夫 Soneva Fushi 的首个热玻璃工作室,我们用别人眼中的废物创造美丽。从为我们的别墅和餐厅定制的玻璃器皿到引人注目的艺术作品,所有精美的作品都是由 Soneva Fushi 和附近其他度假村的废旧玻璃瓶回收而成。 您还可以在 So Glassycle 工作室购买来自 Lino Tagliapietra、Tobias Mohl 和 Martin Janecky 等著名艺术家的精选作品。

Soneva Stars

Ken Kiriyama

Ken Kiriyama 十多岁时就是一名武术神童,在过去的三十年里,他一直沉浸在自由潜水、游泳、冥想、呼吸法、阿育吠陀、瑜伽和健身以及个人发展等领域。他是 Umberto Pelizzari 的学生,后者师从传奇人物 Jacques Mayol。他目前保持着日本四项深水自由潜水全国纪录,并曾获得以下世界排名:第 16 名、第 10 名、第 8 名(两次)和第 6 名。他可以憋气近 8 分钟,一口气潜到 94 米深。 Ken 是 Soneva Fushi 的常驻专家,以帮助客人克服恐惧和超越认知限制而著称。他强调,客人们可以通过独特的学习体验重新发现自己的身心潜能。Ken 教过各个年龄段的人如何使用真实的技巧来丰富自己的生活,增进健康、幸福和活力。
了解有关 Ken Kiriyama 的更多信息


露露-温菲尔德自 2001 年开始从事反射疗法,是伦敦非常受欢迎的女性健康专家。她是一名身体按摩师、资深女性健康瑜伽教师和教师培训师、分娩教练,也是英国杜拉(Doula UK)的创始成员之一。 露露擅长为受孕、产前、产后和更年期阶段的妇女提供帮助。她还为夫妻和整个家庭提供反射疗法。她将呼吸和冥想巧妙地融入到每一次定制的治疗中,以刺激副交感神经系统、减轻压力并达到深度放松的状态,让她的客户感到中心集中,并处于一种深沉而幸福的平静状态。  

Zor Tan

BORN 是新加坡最负盛名的现代餐饮场所之一,主厨 Zor Tan 是 BORN 背后的创意力量。主厨 Zor 秉承 "生命之环 "的烹饪理念,将法式优雅与中国风味完美地融合在一起,打造出一种全新的用餐体验。BORN 的每道菜都遵循 Zor 的九大原则--出生、根、回忆、工艺、关系、沧桑、时间、进步和传承--将每盘菜都变成一个故事,捕捉生命中决定性时刻的精髓。 主厨 Zor 热衷于大胆的口味,并从他的旅程中汲取灵感,创造出既怀旧又创新的菜肴。在 Soneva Fushi 和 Soneva Jani,他将把自己的招牌风格与来自我们有机花园的食材相结合,为您打造可持续发展的难忘用餐体验。
了解更多关于 Zor Tan 的信息


贝基-斯梅瑟尔斯特(Becky Smethurst)博士是牛津大学的天体物理学家,也是以天文学为主题的 YouTube 频道 "贝基博士 "的明星。她目前的研究试图回答 "超大质量黑洞是如何成长的?在她的 YouTube 频道上,贝基以极大的热情探讨一切问题,从未解之谜到太空中发现的奇异物体或一般太空新闻,她的视频已获得超过 4400 万次观看(还在不断增加中!)。 她的最新科普著作《黑洞简史》(A Brief History of Black Holes:为什么你所知道的关于黑洞的一切几乎都是错的》于 2022 年 9 月发行,在亚马逊全球图书排行榜上名列第 27 位。贝基热衷于夜空和周游世界,她认为,当我们了解了我们所看到的是什么,夜空就会变得更加美丽。
一名身穿白色 polo 衫和浅蓝色短裤的男子在红土球场上抛掷网球。他手持球拍,站在空荡荡的蓝色体育场座椅和旗帜的背景下。


戈兰-伊万尼舍维奇(Goran Ivanišević)是克罗地亚前职业网球运动员,现任教练。他是唯一一位以外卡身份赢得温布尔登网球赛单打冠军的选手,2001 年在排名第 125 位的情况下取得了这一历史性胜利,此前他曾在 1992 年、1994 年和 1998 年获得亚军。伊万尼舍维奇在 1994 年达到职业生涯最高的单打世界排名第 2 位,共赢得 22 个单打冠军和 9 个双打冠军。他还是 2005 年克罗地亚戴维斯杯冠军队的重要成员,并在 1992 年巴塞罗那奥运会上获得单打和双打铜牌。 球员生涯结束后,伊万尼舍维奇成为 ATP 巡回赛最成功的教练之一。2013 年至 2016 年期间,他曾执教马林-奇里奇,并带领他在 2014 年美国网球公开赛上夺得个人唯一一个大满贯冠军。此后,他又与诺瓦克-德约科维奇合作,指导他在 2024 年初获得九个大满贯冠军。为表彰他对网球运动的贡献,伊万尼舍维奇于 2020 年入选国际网球名人堂。  
A chef in a white uniform and hat sits at a table with a microphone and smiles at the camera. Several plated dishes are arranged in front of him. A person next to him writes notes on a paper. The background is a white interior.

Viktor Beley

A medalist in the prestigious international culinary competition Bocuse d’Or, Viktor’s gastronomic career was inspired by his father and brother, who were also chefs. Over the past 20 years, the multiple award-winning chef has mastered his skills under the guidance of some of the most well-known Michelin-starred culinary legends from around the world, including Björn Frantzen at Frantzén in Stockholm, David Muños at StreetXO in Madrid, and Christian Puglisi at Relae in Copenhagen. Currently, Viktor is the brand chef at Rodina restaurant in Dubai, UAE, a sophisticated fine-dining establishment that artfully blends Russian classics with Mediterranean flair. He also serves as the concept chef and managing partner of The Forest restaurant in Ust Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan, where he oversees a unique European cuisine menu with strong Kazakh gastronomic influences. The Forest offers a combination of comfort, an ethnic-style interior, and high-end fusion cuisine, perfectly complementing its upscale location
Learn more about Viktor Beley
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