

Soneva Fushi

Soneva Fushi的Soneva FushiUnlimited

From October 4, 2022 to December 20, 2025

每位成人每天只需支付 1,250 美元,即可尽情享受Soneva Fushi 的方方面面,包括无限次用餐和与到访的米其林星级主厨交流、无限次珍稀体验、无限次 Soneva Soul 护理等。
脚印在沙滩上延伸开去,一个身着飘逸白裙的人赤脚走在水边,在柔和的粉色天空下,轻柔的海浪拍打着海岸,给人留下宁静安详的印象--这种氛围让人联想到 Soneva Exclusive Offers。






  • Soneva Fushi
  • Soneva Jani
  • Soneva Kiri
  • Soneva in Aqua
  • Soneva Secret 2024

Soneva Unlimited enables guests to experience everything there is at Soneva Fushi. This includes:

  • A dedicated Barefoot Guardian
  • Unlimited dining at our bars, restaurants and In-Villa Dining
  • Unlimited access to visiting Michelin-starred chef dinners and onsite experiences
  • Unlimited non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages at our bars and restaurants
  • 无限畅饮 Soneva Unlimited 酒单上的葡萄酒
  • Unlimited experiences from our Experiences Menu, including diving
  • Unlimited spa treatments and massages at the Soneva Soul Spa, including visiting wellness practitioners, Cryotherapy and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda treatments
  • Access to the complimentary ice cream, chocolate and deli rooms 24/7
  • Access to our children’s club, the Den and all experiences for children
  • Use of the fully-equipped gym and tennis court
  • 每日补充别墅内的迷你吧
  • 每日洗衣服务

Soneva Unlimited 不包括哪些内容?

  • 从马累出发的水上飞机往返共用接送服务
  • So Soneva boutique purchases
  • Dining at So Hands On & So Bespoke
  • Experiences: Sonu’s Picnic, Private Sandbank, Parasailing, Private Cinema Paradiso and Astronomical Cruise Dinner, So Glassycle and Makers’ Place
  • Soneva in Aqua 包机Soneva in Aqua
  • 私人飞机接送
  • 私人包船
  • In-Villa Soneva Soul Treatments, Microneedling, Medical Treatments, Plasma Therapy, IV therapy and Major Autohaemotherapy
  • 索努的私人珍藏酒单
  • 摄影或摄像服务
  • 保姆
  • Telephone calls


  • Prices are per person, per day (USD 1,250 per adult, per day and USD 625 per child, per day)
  • All paying guests within one villa must be on Soneva Unlimited


SonevaSoneva Fushi,Soneva Fushi

在 Soneva Soul,数千年的古老治疗智慧与最新的科学和创新相结合,重新连接身心和灵魂。 Soneva Fushi 酒店被岛上郁郁葱葱的丛林环绕,我们两层楼高的康体中心从其宁静的环境中汲取灵感,邀请您在恢复活力、恢复体力和放松身心的同时拥抱大自然之美。围绕中央水景而建的阶石和人行道连接着一楼的接待区和理疗室,以及高级美容室、阿育吠陀咨询和理疗室、漂浮池和零售店。音响舱播放冥想音乐,香薰舱提供雾化精油混合物,让您在护理前后放松身心或重新焕发活力。楼上还有三间咨询和治疗室。 我们提供一系列精选的健康服务,旨在帮助您放松身心、恢复活力和恢复平衡。这些服务包括阿育吠陀疗法、瑜伽、各种按摩、身体护理和美容服务、维生素疗法、健身训练、正念和能量工作。我们的综合医学治疗为您量身定制,重点关注目标健康问题和您的整体健康和福祉,包括主要的自动血液疗法、高压氧、冷冻疗法、增殖疗法和富血小板血浆疗法。我们的驻院阿育吠陀医生随时为您提供免费咨询,诊断您的体质,并提出生活方式建议,帮助您恢复平衡,而我们的驻院治疗师则根据您的健康需求为您提供个性化治疗。 在整个一年中,我们还通过 Soneva Stars 计划欢迎来自体育界和健身界的知名人士,从传奇的网球和足球运动员到自由潜水冠军。 欲了解更多信息和预订,请联系 [email protected] 或您的赤足监护人。

eFoil、eSurf 和 Seabob

完全自由地体验海洋。滑翔、潜水、滑行--所有这些都可以在 SEABOB 上实现。学会像鱼一样在水面上和波浪下穿梭。SEABOB 非常环保,在您探索海洋世界的过程中,它能以几乎无声的方式有力地移动。 eFoils 使用先进的电池为安装在全碳纤维水翼上的静音电动马达提供动力,可通过无线蓝牙手控器进行控制。从初学者到已经熟练掌握冲浪板的人,都可以以每小时 40 公里的速度享受一个多小时的飞行乐趣! 如果在冲浪板上安装马达会发生什么?电子冲浪板采用碳纤维板身,具有流体动力和稳定性。冲浪板上还装有马达,您可以控制手持式油门。eSurf 可以让你以每小时 56 公里的速度冲浪,是一项令人兴奋的水上运动。
一群人在海中的一艘渔船上,其中三人坐在船边,一人站着。远处还有一艘载有两人的小船。天空阴沉沉的,海水显得很平静--这是真正的马尔代夫独有的体验,与 Soneva 的宁静产品有异曲同工之妙。


与Soneva Fushi的马尔代夫渔民 Rocket 及其家人一起踏上海洋探险之旅,在 "捕鱼是家庭事务 "体验中学习如何以可持续的方式捕鱼。Rocket 从Soneva Fushi 建造之初就开始为其供应鱼类,他知道厨师们需要什么,也知道在哪里可以找到鱼。垂钓结束后,客人可以在度假村内使用 Rocket 妻子的腌制秘方烹制当天的渔获。 从 17:30 开始。19:30 开始供应晚餐


在 Fresh in the Garden 参观Soneva Fushi的生态中心和有机花园,深入了解我们以可持续发展为核心的理念。在采摘蔬菜和香草为您的午餐做准备之前,您将看到我们使用岛上种植的椰子作为食物和材料的多种方式,同时还能深入了解生态农业的原理。


马尔代夫 Soneva 豪华游艇度假期间,一艘帆船停泊在深蓝色的海面上,一艘较小的摩托艇飞速驶离,留下一串白色的浪花。平静、广阔的大海与摩托艇的动态运动形成鲜明对比。


Who needs to catch waves when there is skurfing? Be towed behind Soneva in Aqua’s tender in this sport that mixes surfing with wakeboarding.
Complimentary Luxury Villa Inclusions - The Den


Inspired by childhood wonder, The Den is the largest children’s club in the Maldives and South Asia. Covering more than 1,365 sqm (14,693 sq ft), an area greater than six tennis courts, it is packed with exciting, one-of-a-kind activities and experiences for our youngest guests. A playground for the imagination, it has two shallow, family-friendly swimming pools, an eight-metre tall pirate ship and giant musical piano keys built into the floor. Inside this technology-free zone, children can enjoy some quiet time in the library or learning area, or unleash their creativity in a music room filled with instruments, the dress-up room, and Lego and Duplo room, housing more than 8,000 pieces. There’s also a cinema for movie nights, cooking classes and a weekly programme of complimentary experiences, tailored to Young Sonevians and their families. While parents enjoy some me-time, our experienced child minders are always on hand to watch over children’s every move and ensure they enjoy every moment in a safe and secure environment. Explore Family at Soneva Fushi    
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