


Soneva FushiSoneva Jani


认识我们的自然、保护和可持续发展专家。Soneva 学院邀请青少年(12 岁及以上)学习更多有关马尔代夫自然奇观和岛上及周边可持续发展项目的知识。每门课程由三个模块组成,每个模块两个小时,课程结束后进行考试,让索尼娃青少年从初级到专家。

  • Duration: 5 hours


A person wearing turquoise shorts is climbing a bent palm tree on a tropical beach. The clear blue sky and the turquoise ocean in the background make for an idyllic Maldives exclusive experience. Lush green bushes surround the tree's base, creating a vibrant and serene atmosphere at Soneva.

Adventure of the Corbin

Learn how to navigate on land and on the ocean with this special course developed just for teenagers. The Corbin is a ship that sank on the Goidhoo Atoll’s reef in 1602. Stay on the island of Innafushi to learn about the sea, its currents, tides, and the methods of navigation.

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A group of three men watches as a young boy, wearing a large mask, tries on a backpack sprayer. They are outdoors at an exclusive Soneva resort in the Maldives, surrounded by lush green trees, with a pool in the background. The scene is lit with natural sunlight.

Mosquitoes and Mosquito-borne Diseases

Mosquitoes and Mosquito-borne Diseases delves into the effects of mosquitoes on the world’s population, how it affects our lives, and what we can do to protect ourselves from the diseases they transmit. 


Zero Waste and Plastic Pollution in the Maldives

Learn about plastic pollution and the movement of waste reduction globally. We will also teach you how you can directly contribute to climate action from your home and comfort zone with the zero-waste lifestyle.

一群海豚在马尔代夫豪华度假村附近清澈湛蓝的海水中游泳。一些海豚浮出水面,另一些则略微沉入水中。右下角一位卷发者在 Soneva 纯净的海滩上观察着这一场景。

Marine Life of the Maldives

The Marine Life of the Maldives course dives beneath the waves to discover the coral reefs, the marine animals that call them home, the threats they face and what we can do to help. 

A serene tropical beach at night with palm trees and gentle waves. The sky is filled with stars, and the Milky Way galaxy arches across the horizon. Distant lights over the water add a soft glow to this Maldives exclusive experience, offering a glimpse of paradise at Soneva resorts.

The Night Sky in the Maldives

The Night Sky in the Maldives goes beyond our atmosphere to identify the different cosmic objects, what they are, and how they fit into the grand scheme of the universe.

A family of four stands on a sandy beach by clear turquoise waters, enjoying their Maldives exclusive experience. An adult points towards the ocean, while the other adult and two children listen attentively. The sky is clear, and a leafy tree branch extends into the scene from the left.

Message from a Soneva Guest

Thank you so much for organising the most fabulous, stimulating and informative course on mosquitos and malaria for the children. All three came back after each session bubbling with enthusiasm and excitement – they actually wanted to research more after the lessons. Bart is an extraordinary teacher who keeps the children thoroughly engaged. Soneva Academy adds an outstanding dimension to your already magical island.

Discover More Experiences



在 Fresh in the Garden 参观Soneva Fushi的生态中心和有机花园,深入了解我们以可持续发展为核心的理念。在采摘蔬菜和香草为您的午餐做准备之前,您将看到我们使用岛上种植的椰子作为食物和材料的多种方式,同时还能深入了解生态农业的原理。




这次令人难以置信的体验将在日落时分开始,为您提供四道菜肴和葡萄酒搭配。我们的常驻天文学家将引导您欣赏夜空中的奇观,与您分享宇宙的秘密。 查看菜单


We offer a range of complimentary non-motorised water sports at Soneva Fushi. This includes kayaking, stand-up paddleboarding, windsurfing and catamaran sailing. Private tuition is available at an additional charge on an hourly basis.

SonevaSoneva Fushi,Soneva Fushi

在 Soneva Soul,数千年的古老治疗智慧与最新的科学和创新相结合,重新连接身心和灵魂。 Soneva Fushi 酒店被岛上郁郁葱葱的丛林环绕,我们两层楼高的康体中心从其宁静的环境中汲取灵感,邀请您在恢复活力、恢复体力和放松身心的同时拥抱大自然之美。围绕中央水景而建的阶石和人行道连接着一楼的接待区和理疗室,以及高级美容室、阿育吠陀咨询和理疗室、漂浮池和零售店。音响舱播放冥想音乐,香薰舱提供雾化精油混合物,让您在护理前后放松身心或重新焕发活力。楼上还有三间咨询和治疗室。 我们提供一系列精选的健康服务,旨在帮助您放松身心、恢复活力和恢复平衡。这些服务包括阿育吠陀疗法、瑜伽、各种按摩、身体护理和美容服务、维生素疗法、健身训练、正念和能量工作。我们的综合医学治疗为您量身定制,重点关注目标健康问题和您的整体健康和福祉,包括主要的自动血液疗法、高压氧、冷冻疗法、增殖疗法和富血小板血浆疗法。我们的驻院阿育吠陀医生随时为您提供免费咨询,诊断您的体质,并提出生活方式建议,帮助您恢复平衡,而我们的驻院治疗师则根据您的健康需求为您提供个性化治疗。 在整个一年中,我们还通过 Soneva Stars 计划欢迎来自体育界和健身界的知名人士,从传奇的网球和足球运动员到自由潜水冠军。 欲了解更多信息和预订,请联系 [email protected] 或您的赤足监护人。
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