Ready to start sharing a boat this season? Would you believe that 2014 is almost three twelfths over already! Whatever your boat sharing plans and aims are for this year, you best get on with them. Time flies after all! Sure it’s still 30 degrees outside, but there’s no time like the present to get […]
We have just completed the new Find a Boat or Partner section of our web site which provides all the tools you will need to find the perfect sharing match. Take a moment to browse the already growing list of boats and if you haven’t yet listed your boat, it only takes moments to do […]
We have seen a myriad of different partnership arraignments work. Family partnerships, business partners or friends who purchase a boat together, relative strangers who become a member on a boat and remain for years – there really doesn’t seem to be a single defining characteristic that insures success in a boat sharing relationship. There are, […]
A few months ago one of my boat sharing partners left the following message on my cell phone. “John, can you call me back? I really need to talk to you.” I was having dinner and figured I would call him back later that night. During dinner he called again and left another message. “John, […]