

The Den at Soneva Kiri

Soneva Kiri

The Den at Soneva Kiri

A giant moulded bamboo playground shaped like a manta ray hovering high amidst the treetops, the Den at Soneva Kiri is dedicated to Learning, Inspiring and Fun Experiences (LIFE). Designed by internationally acclaimed Dutch architect Olav Bruin, the Den was built using locally sourced bamboo from the north of Trat. In its belly are dedicated rooms for arts and crafts, music and games – each distinct and featuring natural finishes – as well as a library with a catamaran-style netting floor with overstuffed cushions. Windows in the flooring peek down to the forest floor below, however, its pièce de resistance is the entrance, which features a drawbridge that leads up to a wave of stairs, creating a feeling of excitement and anticipation on arrival. Professional childcarers are on hand to pique children’s imaginations, teaching them to play Thai instruments, unleashing their creative talents with painting and more.

Please Note:

  • The Den is complimentary for children aged 5-12 years old. ​
  • Children under the age of five are also welcome to join if accompanied by a parent or guardian. Alternatively, babysitting services can be booked with prior notice 24 hours (one day) in advance and subject to a charge of THB 850 per child, per hour.
  • 持续时间根据您的意愿
  • Availability: Open daily: 10:00-13:00 and 14:00-18:00
一位身着粉色衬衫的游客正兴高采烈地举着三本护照,上面分别标有 "Keane"、"Runa "和 "Janenia"。这些护照是 Soneva 泰国独家体验活动的一部分,上面有喜庆、多彩的设计和插图。背景似乎是一个灯光温暖的室内空间。

The Eco Den at Soneva Kiri

A prototype zero carbon emissions villa, the Eco Den was built by a local team of Thai craftsmen with expertise in mud brick construction, terracotta, carpentry and stonemasonry, and using locally sourced materials. With a roof made from recycled newspapers, heat-stop glass windows and one-metre-thick walls, the Eco Den stays at a cool, comfortable temperature throughout the day and provides a unique, natural environment for young children to safely explore their surroundings. ​Children can play for hours in this haven, with plenty of shaded areas on our decking for outside play, a green finger garden, a sleep and relaxation room for when they need to recharge their batteries, and a main discovery room where they can explore – all while under the watchful eyes of our expert childminder. ​


在绿色香蕉叶上摆放着一小碗棕色酱汁、红洋葱丁、蒜蓉、切碎的红辣椒和花生,食物摆放生机勃勃。作为Soneva"泰国独家体验 "的一部分,碗旁边还有两片大绿叶,背景是干红辣椒。


向我们才华横溢的厨师团队学习烹饪艺术。与主厨 Tuk 一起探索正宗泰国菜的秘密,其中包括前往奥沙拉渔村采购最新鲜的食材。参观我们的有机花园,在 Colours of the Garden 参加烹饪课程,包括与我们的植物调酒师学习药用调酒。或者参加我们的主厨之桌,学习如何重新制作我们菜单上您最喜爱的菜肴。需要提前预约。


进一步了解库德岛当地的生活方式。参观 Ao Salat 渔村,沉醉在郁郁葱葱的红树林的自然美景中,在壮观的 Klong Chao 瀑布和清凉的淡水池中畅游。


享受直接送到私人泳池的漂浮早餐。沐浴在水中,享用丰盛的早餐,包括热带水果、新鲜出炉的糕点和一瓶可选的气泡酒。或者,白天在南海滩(South Beach)享用漂浮午餐,将这种体验带到海滩边。

在Soneva Kiri潜水

与我们经验丰富的潜水团队一起,从Soneva Kiri 出发,乘短途船即可探索泰国最著名的潜水点。在色彩斑斓的热带鱼群、生机勃勃的珊瑚和雄伟的鲸鲨之间畅游,或探索沉船和海底隐藏的秘密。PADI 潜水团队为各种能力和经验水平的潜水员提供服务,从探索潜水到开放水域潜水。


Soneva Kiri的太阳能珊瑚礁花园是一个人造生态太阳能珊瑚礁。这是一个人工结构,上面移植了珊瑚。这自然会吸引众多种类的鱼类前来定居,然后选择这里作为繁殖地。雷特岛南海岸的雕塑花园绝对是库德岛最独特的潜水地点之一。 雷特岛距离Soneva Kiri )仅有 5 分钟的船程,是库德岛最独特的潜水和浮潜地点之一--这里有密集的天然珊瑚礁,鱼类和甲壳类动物繁衍生息,还有一个沉没的雕塑园,您可以在沙质海底看到大象、老虎、马、牛和狗。
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